
Teaching and Learning at Warriapendi School


Warriappendi offers a range of junior secondary Australian Curriculum options including Science, Maths, English, Geography, History, Technology (Woodwork and Digital technologies), Art, History, Geography, Media, and Health and Physical Education. We also offer Aboriginal Studies and Horticulture.

Students can also participate in engaging and fun outdoor education activities including surfing, bushwalking and aquatics.

All subjects are tailored to individual needs, and we offer comprehensive testing and data analysis that ensures all students are not only challenged, but also receive individual 1 on 1 support for Literacy and Numeracy if required.

The senior curriculum is SACE and VET focused. We offer the SACE compulsory subjects- SACE Maths, English, Personal Learning Plan (PLP), and Research Project. We also run a variety of non-compulsory SACE subjects including Aboriginal Studies, Modern History, Community Studies (stage 1 and 2), Art, Research Practices, and more.

In VET we offer Certificates in Hospitality in our industry standard Trade Skills Centre and Business Certificates in conjunction with our purpose built food van.

We aim to support every student to have a post school pathway. Accordingly, we offer work ready curriculum across all year levels, and encourage students in taking opportunities to engage in work experience. The school works consistently to link outgoing students to constructive post school options, and offers ongoing support through our Aboriginal Secondary Education Transition Officer for up to 12 months post school completion.

English lessons are part of the curriculum across all year levels, the National Curriculum in years seven, eight and nine, and SACE English in years 10-12. We have intensive reading blocks each day as well as an intensive intervention program for students requiring additional support.
Maths lessons are part of the curriculum across all year levels, National Curriculum in years seven, eight and nine, and SACE Maths in years 10-12. Maths is integrated into all subject areas and students requiring additional support are involved in an intervention program.
At Warriappendi we are committed to teaching the Child Protection Curriculum, and a Health curriculum that is specific to the needs of our student cohort.
We are also a member of the Safe Schools Anti-bullying Initiative and are committed to creating a learning environment inclusive of LGBTIQ+ diversity that values positive wellbeing. All students are offered annual health checks and those with complex health needs are managed under a case management model where a nurse practitioner oversees their health. Students are supported by Aboriginal health workers with referrals and transport to access doctors and specialists. Additionally, a youth worker offers counselling weekly, or on a needs basis.

Students are also provided with breakfast, recess and lunch each day.

Warriappendi School offers the services of a full time Youth Worker, based on site.

Student Voice
Warriappendi has an active Student Action Team (SAT). The SAT offers students a legitimate voice in how the school works for them. Students have unique expertise and perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling, and through SAT they have the opportunity to actively shape their own education.

SAT involves students actively participating in their school by contributing to decision making processes and collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas. SAT not only allows students to engage and participate meaningfully in their own learning, it also contributes to developing 21st century learners by encouraging critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and developing a sense of character and citizenship. Students have applied their learning to fundraising, facility development and event management.


At Meadows Primary we have a strong connection to The Arts Curriculum. Our school choir is involved in the Festival of Music. Our senior students have the opportunity to perform at the Festival Theatre with hundreds of students from across the State. We also perform regularly at school Assemblies and community events.

The senior choir performs at assemblies and community functions. Choir students also have the opportunity to participate in the Festival of Music at the Festival Theatre in Term 3. Students in years 5, 6 & 7 can choose to be involved in the choir.

Reading Program
Warriappendi School offers a daily Reading Program for Year 7-12 students. This promotes a positive reading culture, develops confidence and increases vocabulary. When reading, readers are involved in a complex and recursive process of activating prior knowledge, drawing on a range of strategies continuously and in combination with one another. Reading strategies such as predicting, connecting, comparing, inferring, synthesising, visualising, self questioning, skimming, scanning, importance and summarising are emphasised.