Warriappendi is a small secondary school specifically for Aboriginal students. We are located in Marleston, 4.1km from the Adelaide GPO.
Warriappendi Secondary School enables Secondary Aboriginal students to achieve improved results in attendance, academic success and connection to culture. Our high expectations for Aboriginal learners gives the opportunity for successful results in both learning and in the wider community. Our highest priorities consist of providing high quality individualised learning to our students in a positive environment built upon respect, resilience and responsibility. In doing so we provide a welcoming atmosphere rich in culture, belonging and connection that focusses strongly on student wellbeing. We offer small class sizes (staffed at a 1:8 teacher to student ratio), and a focus on quality teaching and learning.

Warriappendi 2025 Relocation

Teaching & Learning


Ngadlu tampinthi yalaka ngadlu Kaurna yartangka inparrinthi. Ngadludlu tampinthi, parnaku tuwila yartangka.
We acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country.