SACE and Pathways

Our senior curriculum is tailored around student interest, and considers students’ specific learning needs by offering subjects that ensure we maximise their opportunities and success by supporting their personal learning interests.
The senior curriculum is SACE and VET focused. We offer the SACE compulsory subjects- SACE Maths, English, Personal Learning Plan (PLP), and Research Project. We also run a selection of non-compulsory SACE subjects including Aboriginal Studies, Integrated Learning, Community Studies, Creative Arts, Physical Education, Outdoor Education, Society and Culture, Research Practices, Workplace Practices, Child Studies, and Women’s Studies.
In VET we offer Certificates in Hospitality, Business and Tourism in our industry standard Trade Skills Centre and our purpose-built food van.
We aim to support every student to have a post-school pathway. Accordingly, we offer work ready curriculum across all year levels, and encourage students in taking opportunities to engage in work experience. The school works consistently to link outgoing students to constructive post-school options, and offers ongoing support through our Aboriginal Secondary Education Transition Officer for up to 12 months post-school completion.